Perhaps catching up on all seven seasons of True Blood wasn't a good idea, at least for the progression of this game (surprisingly, I still haven't decided on a name, gotta get on to that).
Yes, yes, procastionation is the curse that hath befallen all of us at least once in our lives and might I say procastionation and I have quite a history, if it was legal, I'd marry it...though I'm not sure we'd get past the engagement...probably would be catching up on the walking dead...
Jokes aside, I have made minor progress this week, I am still quite reluctant to share much about the game's story (since in the end, it is going to be quite short), but since what I'm working on is going to be the first screen (at least in the demo, still haven't decided for the full game yet), it shouldn't be too much of a problem if I shared a progress pic.
I have actually gotten much further with this background, but I figured this back-up saved image would do.
If you're wondering what my process is, I traditionally draw a sketch of the location, then I either scan or take a picture of the drawing (having clear and percise lines doesn't really matter when doing a low-res background). Then I put it into photoshop where I resize the image appropriately (with a sprite placed in a different layer as a scalling reference). I then build up a series of different layers pertainting to rough outlines, colour blocking, rough shading (I'm not too confident with shading, so for this particular project, and most of my previous ones, I just keep is as simple as possible). Lastly, I clean it all up, add small extra details if I feel like it or have the time and viola! It's complete.
I want to give a shout-out to Matt Frith who made the game '
Foundations', we don't know each other, but I got inspired to paint my clouds like I did above after playing that game (I mean, his is better looking obviously, but I wanted to go for a simpler style, I think it works).
One of these days I might even make a "This is how I half-ass it" tutorial on game-making.
Not much else to add on this blog other than that I have figured out how I want to end the full game, that's about it, I'll keep a lot of things vague for now...then again, it's not like people actually actively check out my blog, but who knows, right?